Before pregnancy, I used to hit the gym 4-5x a week bright and early before work. I loved getting a good strength training workout in. When I found out I was pregnant with twins though, especially having just suffered a miscarriage, I cancelled my gym membership; carrying these babies to term was my top priority.

During pregnancy I became a stranger to myself. I gained 50 lbs and was very swollen near the end. There was nothing I could physically do about it though; these changes were inevitable. I longed for the days when I would be “normal” again.
Once the babies were born, I effortlessly lost all 50 lbs, but my body was nowhere near fit like it used to be. It just goes to show you that the number on the scale is only a number.
At 3 months postpartum I joined a gym that offered childcare on the weekends, and I slowly started easing back into my old workouts. Unfortunately gym life with kids on the weekend was much different than gym life by myself in the early mornings before work.
At 6 months postpartum I discovered at-home workouts through Beachbody. The Beachbody On Demand streaming service allowed me to workout again as a then new mom and now a working mom.
I eventually left Beachbody in late 2021. I now workout with Breanne Freeman’s BFit app for strength and participate in Peloton power zone challenges.
I created this Toning With Twins blog to not only share my postpartum fitness journey, but to connect with, motivate, and inspire other moms on their own journeys.