Sick Day

Memorial Day weekend is upon us. While I’d usually be looking forward to a 3-day weekend, I’m actually on what will be a 10-day “weekend” due to a stubborn fever I’ve had for five days straight now. I haven’t been able to break a 102° fever all week. Today is the first real day I […]

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Happy 1 Month Blogiversary

First off, happy Friday! I now live for Fridays, remember? Second off, happy one month blogiversary to Toning With Twins! Yes, one month ago I launched this blog and exposed myself to a whole new world. I’ve been having so much fun blogging and connecting with other moms on social media these past four weeks. If you […]

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Eating Habits at Work

Food. Oh, how I love thee. My work recently just moved offices, and while I now get to enjoy a desk with a window, I no longer get to enjoy the convenience of food. Our previous location had a cafeteria, a convenience store, was right across the street from the mall (food courts), and was […]

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